1. All participants must submit a one-page abstract (as per the given template) before September 10, 2024. The maximum allowed file size is 1 MB 2
2. All submitted abstracts, except for Plenary and Invited Talks, will be reviewed and selected for a seminar or poster presentation
3. Once submitted, you can modify your abstract before the submission deadline.
4. The authors will be notified of the acceptance of their abstract (for seminar or poster) by email after September 20, 2024.
5. The seminar talk will be 15 minutes long (12 minutes of presentation + 3 minutes of discussion). Participants presenting their work as posters are expected to be present and discuss their work during the poster session on the specified date and time during the conference.
* Abstracts for Plenary and Invited talks are also expected to be uploaded at the speaker’s earliest convenience but no later than September 25, 2024.
* Please submit your one-page abstract using the given template (download template). We ask you to submit your abstract in PDF format